TMC Opens Women’s Health Care Center Till Sunday

Prioritizing Your Employees healthy Mind and Body

via The Medical City | The Medical City Women’s Health Care Center (WHCC) is now open seven days a week! Available services include Basic Ultrasound, TVS, Trans-rectal, Bio-physical Profile, Cervical Assessment and AFI Determination.

Every Sunday, WHCC is open from 10 am to 3 pm.

At The Medical City, the health and well-being of their women Patient Partners are important to them. For inquiries, call the Women’s Health Care Center at (02) 988-1000 / 988-7000 ext. 6336.


The Medical City’s Women’s Health Care Center (WHCC) is designed to be a One-Stop Clinic for Assessment of Risk (OSCAR), a concept that is a first of its kind in the Philippines. This is a clinic for assessment of risks for abnormalities in almost all aspects of OB-GYN care. These risks include:

1. Risk for pregnancy complications which is serviced by the High Risk Pregnancy unit of the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Section
a. First trimester screening
b. Preeclampsia screening

2. Risk for cancers which is handled by the Cervix, Endometrium, Ovaries Clinic
a. Cervical cancer
b. Endometrial cancer
c. Ovarian cancer

3. Risk for reproductive / gynecologic endocrinology abnormalities
a. Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) Clinic
b. Infertility Clinic
c. Menopause Clinic
d. Pelvic Floor ultrasound Clinic
e. Urogynecology Clinic

Maternal-Fetal Medicine Section

The Medical City has a High-Risk Pregnancy Clinic, situated within the WHCC. It is a specialized unit composed of a team of Obstetricians who are specialists in the care of complicated, high-risk pregnancies. Its staff includes board-certified Perinatologists who are in good standing with the Philippine Society of Maternal and Fetal Medicine.

The High Risk Pregnancy Clinic is designed to deliver care for high risk obstetric patients. It is equipped to accommodate a subset of pregnant women who:

1. Have medical, surgical or gynecologic problems (e.g. heart disease, kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes, hematologic disorders, cancer etc.)
2. Are at risk for pregnancy-related complications (e.g. preterm labor, preeclampsia, multifetal pregnancies etc.)
3. Have fetuses identified to have complications (e.g. chromosomal or congenital abnormalities, infections, genetic disease, growth restriction, hydrops fetalis etc.)
4. Requires pre- and post-conceptional evaluation and management due to a poor pregnancy outcome (e.g. recurrent pregnancy loss, previous babies with anomalies, parental genetic abnormality etc.)

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