Top 4 Ways to Use Mobile for the Advantage of Your Business


Mobile devices succeeded the computers in every possible way and mobile internet is not just a niche but it is the mainstream. Yes, already 70% of internet access is happening on mobile devices including all actions like searching, reading blogs to posting or watching a video to emailing to social communication. Presenting your content over internet primarily means presenting it to mobile users. This mobile scenario far from being a challenge emerged as a great opportunity for businesses. They can turn the handheld device to the advantage of their business in an array of ways. Among them here we would like to present only 5 most effective and proven ways to utilize mobile to the advantage of your business.

  1. Meeting of the Digital and Real Worlds

Are you still conceptualizing your online presence separately from the brick and mortar store you have? Or, are you still separating web experience of your business from the mobile app? Either of these cases says that you are not being able to use mobile to the business advantage. On the other hand offering a consistent business presence across your real world store, mobile app and website will let you reap huge benefits for your business.

  1. Making Customers and Staff Knowledgeable of this Fluid Reality

From the brick and mortar store at the corner of the road to business website to business app on mobile, it is a fluid business presence on diverse modes and platforms that let you enjoy wider customer reach and sales. But along with making your presence across all these channels you should also train your customers and staff to make interaction better. There are numerous ways to make this happen. You can give your employees a smartphone to interact with customers all the time and place orders from anywhere. You can promote your new mobile app to your existing store customers and you can even give them incentives for downloading the app and making other people about it.

  1. Add Value to the Experience through Digital Behavior of Customers

Everyone is now familiar with touch screens and you know for most people digital behavior begins with the glazed screen on their handheld device. You can take this to the advantage of your business in an innovative way. Just consider placing a touch screen kiosk inside your so called retail store and let the customer interact digitally with your business even when they are physically present in the store. Let them browse through the product range, see prices, check availability, search for colors and many things that they like to do through a mobile app. Just then coming to know about your mobile business app they can feel to visit there and make purchase over there.  That is how you can shorten the gap between digital and real to the advantage of your business.

  1. Make Mobile Location based Technology to Drive Store Traffic

Thanks to latest location based technology the flow of customer between mobile store and real store is no longer one dimensional. As real retail store can promote the mobile app to drive customers over their mobile counter, in the same way mobile app can now help enhancing flow of customers to the street-side store. Location based technology like iBeacon, geo-fencing, etc. can now send a customer push notification messages based on their geographic location and can promote sales. For instance, arriving on a new city your travel app will send you information about all nearby hotels, restaurants and bars. Similarly, when a valued customer come very close to your store a push message from your side can automatically alert him regarding a great offer and thus you can make contextual promotions to people using your app and coming near to the store on a specific date.

All the above mentioned examples suggest that adapting to mobile reality is just not a necessity but is the basic prerequisite to stay competitive now. By presenting your business over multiple channels you not only make customer experience better but you open lot of avenues to interact and make sales irrespective of location constraints. It is the mobile device that let people stay connected to anything on the go. Why as a business you should not take advantage of that continuity?


Author Bio:

Juned Ahmed is a founder and dynamic business professional associated with IndianAppDevelopers – a mobile app development company, he has developed and implemented programs that drive leads and increase revenue for company.


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