What are the Different Types of Sleep Disorders?

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What are the Different Types of Sleep Disorders? | It is not easy to get things done right when you are physically and mentally exhausted. Sleep offers relaxation for the body, including the brain, thus increasing awareness and productivity. However, some people experience sleep disorders that affect the quality and quantity of rest, thus tampering with their ability to focus and make rational decisions. Some of the most common sleep disorders in San Diego include:

  1.     Sleep apnea

This condition is severe, primarily since it affects the respiratory system. Patients with sleep apnea have breathing difficulties that can cause disruptions by forcing them to wake up in the middle of their sleep. There are different types of sleep apnea, and all patients develop fatigue and excessive daytime sleepiness due to a lack of a whole night’s sleep.

  1.     Insomnia

Although insomniacs feel tired, they have difficulty falling and staying asleep. Because patients with this condition do not get enough sleep, they are constantly irritable and have low energy levels, hindering optimal productivity. Further information and tips to help beat insomnia using natural methods and remedies can be found on the Rolling Paper website. 

  1.     Idiopathic hypersomnia

Although these patients get a whole night’s rest, they experience difficulty waking up and still feel tired. Moreover, idiopathic insomnia patients constantly feel the need to sleep, which can cause fatal accidents, especially if they fall asleep while performing dangerous functions like driving.

  1.     Parasomnia

Symptoms like night terrors cause patients with parasomnia to wake suddenly and in a terrifying state. Patients usually exhibit abnormal behavior when they are woken because of parasomnia,  like talking, walking and/or moving, and expressing different emotions. Although they initially appear sharp and alert, the brain is generally confused and they’ll display difficulty engaging with others or responding to questions and comments.

  1.     REM sleep behavior disorder

This condition requires attention because the patient can injure themselves or their bedside partners. After all, although some of the parasomnia hand gestures are benign, the patient can become violent and start kicking or punching while in the dream state.

  1.     Circadian Rhythm sleep disorder

There is a desynchronization of the body’s sleep-wake rhythms, and patients have insomnia, daytime fatigue, and sleepiness. The results of being out of sync can cause irregular circadian rhythms, and patients are at a higher risk of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders.

  1.     Periodic Limb Movement Disorder

Sleep disruption results from repetitive limb movements in light non-REM sleep, especially of the lower extremities like flexing and extending the ankle, knee, hip, or toes. Most patients with restless leg syndrome are at a higher risk of developing this disorder.

  1.     Shift Work Sleep Disorder

Patients with this condition often have a nontraditional work schedule that disrupts wakefulness and sleepiness regulation. This chronic sleep disorder can result in sleep deprivation, creating the need to fall asleep even during dangerous work conditions like driving.

  1.     Narcolepsy

Patients with the condition experience severe daytime sleepiness. The brain cannot switch between wakefulness and sleep. Narcolepsy disrupts sleep, which impairs functionality by causing drowsiness which can lead to severe accidents. Fortunately, this condition is infrequent.

Schedule an appointment with a specialist at MindSet if you have any sleep disorder symptoms to receive an accurate diagnosis and begin a treatment plan to improve your sleep quality.

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