What Does It Take To Become A Life Coach? What Skills Make Up A Good Life Coach?

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Negosentro.com | Are you thinking of becoming a life coach?  To live a meaningful life serving others.

The coaching professions are developing enormously, and more and more people want to reorient themselves professionally towards this activity or profession.

Becoming a professional life coach – what is it?

The professional accompaniment coach training and the first certified professional coaches appeared in the 80s. The term was already used in the sports world with the baseball coach or basketball for example.

But becoming a life coach has nothing to do with it. As a life or personal development coach, you can have clients with various kinds of goals such as life /work/life balance, time management, or weight loss, etc

This is most often done through personalized life coaching appointments in which the client can get support, feedback, new perspectives but also engage with his life coach and personal development to move towards his goal. 

6 skills of a good life coach

  1. Empathy. Empathy is the ability to observe others, capture what they are thinking and get into their skin. A good Coaching session begins precisely at this point, to observe and empathize. If we are able to put ourselves in the place of people in our environment to understand them a little better and respond in solidarity, we already have a point in our favor.
  1. Balance & maturity. A coach has to see life as a path of improvement in which change is the engine of personal and professional development. As a result of that evolution, you need to have reached a point of maturity and balance before placing yourself in front of a coachee. We all have our conflicts and areas for improvement to resolve. Good doses of self-knowledge and emotional balance are necessary to offer solvent coaching.
  1. Assertiveness. In a conflict situation there are three types of reaction: to get carried away by others to avoid conflict; Become authoritarian and aggressive, and finally, there are people who are able to defend their position without disrespecting others or being intimidated. An acting coach will respond to this last type, that of people who know how to say no without shouting and who has no problem in disagreeing openly.
  1. Intuition. Relying on our intuition about something that is happening can lead us to deeper levels of understanding. It also adds another dimension to our usual logic and mere rational perspective. Of course, the novel coach is recommended to contrast the intuited until reaching a conviction. 
  2. Communication. Knowing how to ask and communicate effectively will be basic, but knowing how to listen can be even more important. And when we talk about listening or communicating we do it in the broadest sense of the word. Let us not forget about the 7% rule. Only 7% of our message is transferred through words and that, above all, we transmit through our intonation and body language. 

6. Tenacity. Avoid advising the person in front of us, do not judge under any circumstances, keep in mind a method in any case. Coaching requires a strong discipline that is not always easy to observe. If we are one of those who stand firm and adhere to their purpose without wrinkling in the face of difficulty, we will be on our way to being good coaches.

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