Why Building up a Remarketing List is Important for Digital Marketing

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When thinking of setting up a remarketing (also known as retargeting) list the first thing to be considered are your marketing goals and objectives.  In other words, what do you aim to achieve by building up a remarketing list for example, decide on your target audience.

Building a remarketing list is basically all about giving your audience further opportunities to become a customer – which the point of all digital marketing.  This ‘second’ chance to convert a potential visitor to a customer is known as remarketing.

Digital marketing involves many aspects of advertising coupled with social media posts and can be quite difficult to master at first so it’s a really good idea to complete a digital marketing course so you can fully understand all that digital marketing, including building a remarketing list, entails.

Types of remarketing lists

We know that not everyone who visits your website will become a customer, so the trick is to get them back again to see what they’ve been missing out on.  It should be noted that according to Google 96% of fist time visitors to your site will exit without becoming a customer. Now that’s a lot of potential clients lost, and no business can afford to lose that amount.

Reconnecting with your visitors to your site is an extremely cost-effective way to draw back traffic and get them to buy.  

How to build a successful remarketing list campaign 

So now that we understand how a remarketing list can increase your conversion rate, let’s take a closer look into how to build this effectively.  There are many ways to build an effective remarketing list but for now let’s discuss the most popular.

Here are a few examples of points to keep in mind when building a remarketing list:

  • Email campaign – We all have thousands of mails landing in our inbox, yet email marketing still proves to be an effective digital marketing tool.  Getting your business mail opened is a great achievement and a click through to your site from a mail is the golden prize.
  • Visitors to your website – Targeting people who have already visited your website is an invaluable resource, as these visitors already know what your business is all about and may just need that little bit of extra reassurance or nudge to move forward and make a purchase.
  • Social media retargeting – Display ads on the social media platforms are a great resource to help build your remarketing list.  Most of the most popular sites offer retargeting tools and it’s an effective way to have your ads show up in front of your target audience.
  • Customer relationship management – It’s always a good idea to target potential customers or existing customers that have made contact with your customer relationship centre.  All contacts are logged, and this valuable data should not be overlooked when building your remarketing list.
  • Search ads with Google Ads – Using this tool to add to your remarketing list is only available through Google Ads.  Although this remarketing list is not as popular as the others, it’s definitely worth considering.
  • Connect with visitors who have abandoned their shopping carts – Engaging with visitors who came close to completing their purchase on your site but for whatever reason decided to exit, is a brilliant way to re-engage with potential clients.  A great tip is to offer a discount or incentive to nudge your site visitor into completing their transaction.

Getting the most out of your remarketing lists

So, you’ve built a few pretty impressive remarketing lists and you’re feeling pretty confident of getting lots of second visits to your site – so all you have to do now is make sure you get the most out of your hard work.

To get the most out of your remarketing lists make sure your site’s landing page is right for your ‘second’ time visitor.  The chances are that by now they are pretty familiar with your business, so be mindful of what landing page you direct them to.  For example, think about how you can make a specific landing page more relevant to your returning visitor and to entice them along the purchasing journey.

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