Why You Should Care About Small Business Saturday

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Small Business Saturday is the entrepreneur’s alternative to Black Friday. Less commercial and dedicated to supporting local businesses, Small Business Saturday is something all shoppers and business owners should look forward to every year.

Why Small Business Saturday Benefits Us All

Small business owners, their employees, and the shoppers who love them all stand to benefit from participating in and supporting Small Business Saturday. Keep reading for four reasons Small Business Saturday is so important.

1. Small Business Saturday is a Day to Build the Community

Small business owners that want to participate in Small Business Saturday can start by collaborating and connecting with other businesses in their community. On this day, many small businesses collaborate through marketing efforts as a way to increase foot traffic and attract more customers online and in person.

The average shopper can support their favorite small businesses by reaching out to friends, family members, and contacts to promote these small businesses for Small Business Saturday. This is a great opportunity for like-minded individuals to network and connects with each other. As a result, small businesses gain a new audience of dedicated and passionate consumers.

Businesses can take this day to promote their small business and share about why they started their brand. This day is a way to remind employees where the organization came from and what they are aiming to do in the future. Small businesses that really get into the day can use it to encourage their workers to really engage with their mission and become even more passionate about the work that they do.

2. Small Business Saturday Helps Small Businesses Grow

In 2017, 112 million people proudly participated in and supported Small Business Saturday. Additionally, 81% of these supporters went on to spread the word to family and friends, all of which resulted in $15.4 billion in profits. With numbers like that, it’s incredibly beneficial for small businesses to participate in this day.

Beyond the potential profit small businesses stand to make, Small Business Saturday is an opportunity for these companies to grow their brand and solidify their business as a community staple. With all of the new exposure that Small Business Saturday generates, companies can use this day to really promote themselves and their business goals.

What’s more, Small Business Saturday is beneficial for all small businesses, regardless of how established, they may be. Whether an entrepreneur is just launching or they’ve been in their community for several years, this Saturday is an opportunity to gain more supporters and make more sales.

3. Small Business Saturday Encourages Businesses to Evolve

Many businesses often use Small Business Saturday to improve their business practices. Small businesses working to become more efficient often prep for this Saturday by integrating new tools and software into their company. With the likes of network virtualization software, a small business can convert their physical network into a virtual one. Through these methods, small businesses will be able to cut costs, increase security, and evolve overall.

4. Supporting Small Business Saturday is Supporting the Community

Every company was once a small business. For most people, small businesses represent authenticity, hard work, and honesty in the business world. When small business owners and shoppers support small business Saturday and the ideals that shape entrepreneurs, they are actively working to build a community that will champion the small business owner.

Moreover, when taking part in Small Business Saturday, all parties will really understand the values that entrepreneurs ascribe to. Supporting this Saturday allows consumers and business owners to have a meaningful impact on the global marketplace. Not only is supporting Small Business Saturday a way to keep smaller companies in business, but it’s also a way to encourage entrepreneurship around the world.

Anyone that is dedicated to putting their money where it matters should support Small Business Saturday and what it stands for. Supporters needn’t wait for the next Small Business Saturday to make an impact. By making a habit of helping small businesses and keeping these truths in mind, you’ll be working to encourage and support your community and its small businesses.

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