Work Tips From a 25-year old Yuppie to a Fresh Grad

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Mary Rae Floresca|

Congratulations! You made it through the four corners of the classroom, now, it’s time to for you to prepare for the a.k.a “real world.” Here are some of my tips for a fresh grad, I’ve been there, and the “struggle is real.”

Adulting”, this is becoming a dubbed term to growing up. It is not easy, it will be very challenging. You might think that the tough days are done, but life will be tougher as you grow older but the bright side is, you make wiser decisions for yourself.

1. Don’t waste your time

People say that you should at least rest and take your time for more than two months before you start working, wrong. Well, you need a bit of rest but you should start searching for job openings. When I graduated, I had fun going to job fairs and interviews. Do not lounge on your couch for too long or else, you will really get lazy, so stand up and find your career now.

2. Don’t be afraid

Fears, you will get over that one step at a time. If you want to go out of your province, but you’re afraid to be alone, then look for relatives and friends that might already be living in the place you want to stay. Be independent one step at a time, prove to your parents that you can stand on your feet. Make them proud, your daddy will not always be to the rescue every time. Be confident, give yourself a pep talk that you can stand on your own, trust me, it’s liberating, and that is not a bad thing.

3. Keep yourself covered

At work, always keep email threads and text conversations that you think you will need as reference later on. Do not delete important notes or even just simple reminders that your boss tells you. During my first job as a journalist, I was taught by my editor, that what I know is not true or confirmed if I didn’t write the notes on my notebook. Documentation is really important whatever your career is, these communication trails will be your basis when some things have gone wrong.

4. Socialize at work

Make friends, create small circle of friends that you can seat with in the canteen during lunchbreak. Do not forget to get to know other departments. Be genuinely and politely get to know them, next time, you might need help from them. You’re not being pushy here, you’re also showing them that you are not a snob, and you shouldn’t be.

5. Never stop learning

College thesis isn’t the end of the game. You have to learn to adapt to different cultures, process, operations at work. You need to learn how to be strategic. No matter what career you are getting in to, you should always learn anything new, the ins and outs of the industry you’re in, general knowledge, or politics, movies and series, it could be anything under the sun. I notice that this builds your personality. During job interviews, the interviewer always asks about your hobbies and the like. I even believe that it was a plus point when I got hired because my boss was also a bookworm like me.


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