Workouts That Can Be Done in Your Office Every Day

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Prolonged sitting has many bad effects on your health. It can hurt your heart, your blood flow, muscles, bone density and many more. However, you cannot always choose the pace of your life. If you are stuck in an office for a better part of your waking hours, you need to find a way to squeeze in some of the exercises into your daily routine. Here are some of the exercises that you can do in your office without having to spend that lunch break in the nearby gym.

Neck and Head

While this may not sound as much, you need to do some exercise for your neck. This is because a lot of people develop spinal deformities in the neck area due to keeping their head low while typing and writing. Place your elbows on the desk and bring your hands together into a joint fist. Position your chin on it and try to push the hands with it. Squeeze and release alternately. Another thing that you can do is to interlock your fingers behind your head and try to push your hands with your head. Also, push and release, alternatively. This will strengthen your muscles that will do a better job holding your spine, enabling blood flow.

Arms and Chest

Stretching from time to time is truly great, but you can do much more. While sitting, bend your hands in the elbows and let them meet in front of your chest. Push the arms one against the other and that will make you flex your chest muscles. Another thing you can do is bring two little dumbbells to your office. You can use them to do isometric exercises for your arms while sitting down. Take one with your both hands and let it behind your head, down your spine without bending your back. Do a couple of series of this lifting, and they will work your arms.

Getting to and from Work

Forget about the car. Take the metro and do not take it on the nearest station. Walk to the station after yours and get out a station earlier. Even while you are on the train, you can walk around it if it is not too busy. If you are not too far from your work office, try riding an electric bicycle. Eurocycles is one of the Australian brands that produces these amazing cycles. You can get as much exercise as you like and you can make the bike do the routes that are too much for you. It can replace your car altogether if the climate is right in your area.


Moving Around the Office

No more elevators and no more curriers around the building. Walk to your colleagues and deliver the papers yourself. Use the stairs and do not save yourself a trip if you have a lot of to carry. Do two trips, especially if the stairs are involved. Do not sit down for anything that does not have to be done sitting down. You can make the phone calls standing and walking around the office just as well as sitting down.

Even though you are working in the office, you need to make sure that you are getting enough exercise. While you need proper exercise at least three times a week, you have to pick up a pace around the office, as well. These little tweaks of habits and your daily activities can mean a lot for your health.


Dan Radak is a web hosting security professional with ten years of experience. He is a coauthor on several websites and regular contributor to BizzMark Blog. Currently, he is working with a number of companies in the field of online security, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies.

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