Your Step-by-Step Guide to Redesigning Your Website and Making it Better in 2022

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Redesigning Your Website and Making it Better in 2022 | Your Step-by-Step Guide to Redesigning Your Website and Making it Better in 2022 | Most website owners can agree on one thing: there are various reasons why their websites may be ripe for a redesign, whether it’s because it’s outdated, it doesn’t bring in as much traffic as before, or it’s just not working well anymore. Whatever your reasons are, your website redesign should be focused on making sure that your website adheres to the requirements and preferences of your audience and not your requirements and preferences. You have to build your site according to the personas of your customers and buyers and make sure that it serves them whilst you continue to work on goals like generating leads and sales and making a real profit. But the big question, therefore, is how you can redesign your site? Following is your step-by-step guide to redesigning your website and making it better in 2022.

1. Evaluate the old 

The first step is to look at your “old” website with a critical eye – what seems to work, and what doesn’t? You may already have seen various issues, such as uncompleted transactions. If this is the case, you may have to redesign your checkout procedure to get buyers to finish the transaction. Next, try evaluating your site’s traffic pattern with Google Analytics, and use reports such as scroll or heat maps so you can analyse your site visitors’ behaviours. 

2. Identify your audience 

Even if you have already identified your audience in the past, remember that audiences are dynamic and can evolve after some time. For example, if you have added more services or products, updating your message to suit those who will buy from or transact with you makes sense. Identify each persona for your demographic base and determine what you need to do to appeal to them, and you can then revamp your site to fit that demographic. 

3. Figure out what still works 

Your existing website may still have a few elements that work, so it’s good to retain these – in fact, it’s better if you retain them, as confirmed by the web development and design professionals from Expre. For example, if you are satisfied with your logo and already easily recognised, there’s no reason to change it. The same is true for your website’s fonts, colour palette, or images. Use tools such as Google Analytics and others to decide which aspects you’d want to retain and which aspects could benefit from improvement. 

4. Check out other websites 

Analysing your competitors’ websites is another critical step in the process because you can check out what’s new and innovative and perhaps even get inspired. Once you’ve done your evaluation of other sites, begin working on yours to make sure that it’s more appealing than your business competitors. Bear in mind, however, that you should also focus on two key points: fast navigation and an even faster time for loading.

5. Come up with your list of changes 

Now that you’ve done the needful, it’s time to come up with your list of changes. It doesn’t have to be followed to the T – make a “wish list” and note down the features you’d like to include, whether it’s a change in colours, a new and improved tool, and so on. Take note of any structural website changes as well, such as cleaner URLs for your blog posts, a better sidebar or navigation list, or a new landing page or two. 

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