5 Ways to Learn More About Your Coworkers

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5 Ways to Learn More About Your Coworkers | In a workplace setting, you can spend a good majority of your waking hours in close contact with your coworkers. Establishing a good working relationship with these people can make your work experience more enjoyable. You might even make a lasting friendship or two! So, how do you learn more about your coworkers? Well, that will depend on your personality and the personalities of those around you. Here are a few ways to get to know your coworkers better.

  1. Teambuilding

Teambuilding events can be a quick way to break the ice with a group of employees who may not think they have much in common. These exercises tend to facilitate comfortability in a group setting and help create bonds. Many employees may dread teambuilding for fear of awkward encounters or forced answers, but in the end, they may find them as a helpful tool for learning fun facts about the people they work with. Try to choose something that is fun and encourages teamwork. A virtual escape room team building event is a perfect example of an exciting way to bring coworkers together outside of work.

  1. Highlight

If getting to know more about the team seems to be something many people are interested in, or if you are a leader looking to learn more about your team, consider highlighting a team member each week or month. The team member can answer a few questions, some serious and some funny. Children and pets are a huge part of life outside of work, so encourage coworkers to share photos and details about their children and pets.

  1. Ask Questions

Be sincere when you ask how they are doing and honestly care about what their response is. By asking personal questions that are not too probing, you are showing the person that you are interested in them and care to know more. This may help others open up to you. Stick to general questions about kids, hobbies or sports teams at first. It is a great practice to greet everyone kindly and to ask how they are doing. Try implementing this approach and work on asking those around you how things are in their lives.

You can also opt for a sillier version of asking questions, such as those found in getting to know you games. Create some interesting questions that could help a person open up and relax. A classic go-to is to name the superpower you would choose if you could have any power in the world. Other ideas include talking about the most trouble you got into as a child, the funniest thing you did as a child and role model. There are endless possibilities for questions of this nature, and they are sure to get the team talking and bonding.

  1. Listen

Good listening skills can help you thrive in your career while also allowing you to build solid relationships. Listening is a skill you should actively work on and one you should make a conscious effort to utilize as best you can in every scenario. When you ask a coworker questions, listen carefully. People may offer information about themselves and what is important to them, but you must listen to catch it. Pay close attention to the responses your coworkers give you, and do your best to remember important details about them.

  1. Outings

Another great way to learn more about coworkers is to gather outside of work. Find a local brewery with a pet-friendly patio and encourage coworkers to come for a beer and show off their pets! Or you could opt for a local restaurant and invite spouses. People tend to loosen up more outside of work, so use that to help the team open up more.

A long day in the office can feel even longer without some friendship in the office. There is a lot of potential benefits from getting to know your coworkers. Your workday may improve, the overall office mood could be enhanced and a stronger bond and trust will be established. Plus, you could draw inspiration from and better understand each other. Just remember to be willing to share as much information as you are expecting others to share with you!

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