Top 5 Natural Organic Sources for Insect Repellent

buzzoff mosquito repellent

Negosentro.comYour scent may leave impressions on people around you, but did you know that they could attract insects too? And when they are attracted to you, they bring you nothing but health concerns. This is why insect repellents can come in handy especially if they are from natural organic sources. 

Left and right, there are reports about dengue, malaria, lyme, and other insect-borne diseases. Thus, it is recommended to take steps in preventing insect bites. In spraying or applying insect repellent, you may not kill creepy-crawlies, but they may not smell your scent and so they will not bite you. The good news is that there are many types of repellents available in the market. The common ones are those with DEET (diethyltoluamide), N,N-diethyl-Meta-Toluamide, or picaridin elements. However, DEET and picaridin are synthetic and may cause irritation to sensitive skin. Therefore, consumers and experts look for natural organic sources for insect repellents. So, here are the top 5 natural organic ingredients known to effectively keep insects at bay: 

Citronella. The essential oil of citronella comes from the leaves of cymbopogon plant species and contains citronellol and geranoil substances. Citronella is a known mosquito repellent, which is backed up by different studies. In a 2011 research published by Tropical Medicine and International Health, they found that citronella oil mixed with vanillin protects a person for a few hours against mosquitoes. Check out Daila Buzzoff mosquito and insect repellent at the Red Bus Shop.

Though effective as a mosquito repellent, citronella oil has some limitations, such as that it fades quickly because it dries faste. It can also cause skin irritation. Skin irritation happens when you directly apply too much of citronella oil on skin. 

Peppermint. What is exceptional about mentha piperita oil or peppermint oil is, not only does it deter mosquitoes, but also other bugs such as cockroaches and spiders and spiders. In fact, peppermint repel and kill them too and is considered a natural insecticide.     

In a study about plant-based insect repellents, peppermint oil came as one the most useful repellents as it can counter filarial, malaria, and yellow fever mosquitoe-carriers. In another study about the effectiveness of the mentha piperita oil ingredient against dengue fever mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti L, it was 100% effective for their two and a half hour test.        

Eucalyptus. Lemon eucaplytus oil is an essential oil for various medicinal purposes such as pain and stress relief. This oil is sourced from the leaves of eucalyptus citriodora, a member of the plant species where lemon grass also belongs. In this sense, lemon eucalyptus has almost the same features as citronella oil, but compare to citronella and other natural organic sources for insect repellent, lemon eucalyptus oil is considered the best alternative to DEET. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended it. With its para-menthane-3,8-diol (PMD) substance, several studies have shown lemon eucalyptus oil effectively repel various mosquitoes that carry malaria virus. 

Lavender Oil. The scent of lavender oil, extracted from a mint specie plant Lavandula angustifiola, is fragrant and calming. Aside from its pleasant aroma however, it is also antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. That is why you see lavender oil ingredients in some pain killers and anti-allergy products. But if lavender is pleasing for humans, it is not the case for insects such as mosquitoes, moths, fleas, and flies. In fact, lavender essential oil can be used as repellent, and insect bites relief.  

Thyme. Since ancient civilization, thyme or thymus vulgaris has been known as a culinary herb with medicinal purposes. Today, it is one of the natural organic sources for insect repellent as it contains five monoterpenes such as thymol, p-cymene, carvacrol, linalool, and o-terpinene.  In a study that tested four organic ingredients, thymus vulgaris emerged as the most effective against adult mosquitoes.

If compared to essential oil products for aromatheraphy that are safe to apply on skin, insect repellents are not because they have stronger concentration. They are created to cover scents, especially that of human sweat, breath, lactic acid, and hand odors. Take note also that some people have allergy or sensitive to plants. This is why it is better to buy insect repellent with natural organic ingredients like what Daila offers. These insect repellents have just right concentration and formulation that is safe and effective to use. 

Remember, insects also crowd places that happen to be some of the most enjoyable places on earth such as mountains, lakes, caves, and parks.  The fact is you cannot always stay in an insect-free area even for your day-to-day activities. So, to keep insects at bay, spray your protection from them whenever possible.  

Sources of mentioned studies:

Citronella Oil




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